Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Initial Core Group Formation of Mission AHIMSA (an evolving process) begins

Applications are Invited from those who are willing to serve Mission AHIMSA as its Coordinators (and thereby become part of any of its various founding Core Groups at any appropriate level)

You may apply online:

Via the Form given in Mission AHIMSA Website


By sending an email showing your willingness to serve as a Coordinator (along with your basic details such as full name, age/DOB, postal address, education, profession etc.) to the following ID:

For details, see Guidelines given in the earlier post.

Basic Guidelines – Coordinators, Core Groups & State Group Formations

(Issued on 27-11-2014)

·         Mission AHIMSA (MA) being a Movement-in-the-Making (and not an Organization) cannot and will not have any hard and fast rules and regulations. Hence it will be governed more by guidelines, honesty and a sense of social commitment.
·         In its preliminary phase, the main efforts of MA will be to spread out and reach out its message to as many as possible and it aims to do this through formation of a network of FaceBook Groups.
·         The MA central Group will have under it several State Groups and the State Groups will have under them their respective District Groups.
·         Each MA Group (at any level) will be administered by a Core Group consisting of Coordinators.
·         Core Group Formation at the Center will be more an evolving process (than one with a set deadline) it being dependent (by expansion) on formation of each new MA State Group and consequent appointment of a Chief Coordinator for the State Group.
·         The Core Group of the Mission AHIMSA Central Group will consist of, apart from the Chief Coordinators of States, the Chief Coordinators of several special wings that will be formed, in course of time, as Youth Wing, Students Wing, Veterans Wing, Interfaith Harmony Wing, Inter-Political Amity Wing, etc.
·         The Chief Coordinator of the Mission AHIMSA Central Group will be known as Pradhan Sevak (meaning chief servant/servant of servants).
·         All members (especially Coordinators) are expected to conduct themselves only in such manner as will not go against the core values and objectives for which Mission AHIMSA stands.
·         Consensus, not dominance; reconciliation, not confrontation; unification, not divisiveness; transparency, not concealment; responsibility, not apathy; discipline, not disorderliness; patience, not annoyance; humility, not arrogance; level headedness, not fanaticism… such shall be the choice of all Mission AHIMSA Coordinators, as such, in all their dealings amongst themselves and with others.
Coordinators & Core Groups
1.      Any interested Individual who is a member of the FB Group Mission AHIMSA can apply to be a Coordinator of Mission AHIMSA.
2.      Upon receipt of eligible applications for Coordinators (at least 9) from a particular State, proceedings will be initiated to form a separate Mission AHIMSA Group for that particular State, with all the eligible members becoming part of the initial Core Group for that State.
3.      A person will be eligible to be a Coordinator of a State Group if he/she has that particular state as his/her native state (by place of birth) or as his/her state of residence. (A person need not and should not serve as a member of a State Group in more than two states simultaneously).
4.      The Core Group Members of the State shall select/elect from amongst themselves a person who will serve as the Chief Coordinator for that particular state as well as 2 or 3 FB Administrators for that state group.
5.      The Chief Coordinator of a State Group will necessarily form part of the Core Group of Mission AHIMSA at the Center.
6.      When the Core Group strength at the MA Central Group reaches at least nine the Core Group Members will select/elect from amongst themselves a person to serve as the Chief (or Pradhan Sevak) of the Group. (Until such a selection/election takes place Mr. Kannan G shall serve as the Provisional Pradhan Sevak of the Group, with Ms. Anjana S and Adv. Jaya S being the only other founding Members of the Central Core Group, the time being)
7.      Coordinators (including Pradhan Sevak and all Chief Coordinators) will be persons who will serve Mission AHIMSA as pure volunteers (just out of their sense of social commitment, solidarity with the issues Mission AHIMSA aims to address, readiness to take initiatives, willingness to use a bit of their social media time and contacts for the cause of MA, etc., without expecting any monetary gains in return for their valuable services and minor expenses). However, in course of time, if needs be, arrangements will be made to sponsor honorariums to Coordinators but that only to those who would be found to be in real need of financial support.
8.      No money will be solicited and obtained as donation for Mission AHIMSA from anybody, by any of Mission AHIMSA members including its Coordinators. However Mission AHIMSA can get, wherever needs be, some individuals, institutions or business establishments to sponsor for it some programs or print materials such as brochures, posters, etc., in return for due acknowledgements or advertisements for them on the same and/or in MA FB Groups. Any such receipt of sponsorship or donation in kind will have to be duly recorded also in an excel file to be maintained for the purpose by the respective Core Group and reported to the Central Group whenever called for.
9.      Communications (including circular decisions) amongst Coordinators will be carried out mostly via FB messages and emails.
State Groups
1.      The Core Group of each State will have full autonomy with respect to decision making and administration of the Group.
2.      Each State Group will have freedom to use/allow posts in its own state language too.
3.      Each State Group will give more importance (apart from national issues) to issues concerning its own state.
4.      Each State Group will have the same rights and responsibilities with regard to the formation and administration of District Groups under them as the Central Group holds with respect to the State Groups.
5.      Each State Group will have as its logo, the logo of Mission AHIMSA with the name of the State presented just below it in English.
6.      Each State Group will be represented separately (with separate tabs) in the main website of Mission AHIMSA. However State Groups will have freedom to open and operate their own websites, if found necessary.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Call for Action

Apart from a plethora of think tanks, research and analysis agencies, go green groups, etc., the NGO sector is today flooded with organizations seemingly undertaking some or the other humanitarian activities. There has been a long-standing general perception amongst our people that those undertaking spiritual, charitable and humanitarian activities belong to a special breed of selfless and dedicated human beings, and that their motives and actions should never be questioned. And, our blind adherence to this perception has, during the last few decades, aided many crooked and cunning ones to invade the field and pollute it, making things tougher for the really good and honest ones out there, making things tougher for the people to distinguish the good ones from the bad. Misappropriations, mismanagement of resources, violations of law and justice, etc., now being perceived in the sector are all the fallout of some grievous flaws in the system, the consequences of the lack of appropriate checks and balances.

There is also a general feeling amongst the people, amongst especially those outside the social service sector that we should give some charity, volunteer some help and there our duty ends. The unfortunate fact is that we never bother to see if our money and help has reached the really deserving ones. Even our governments can't say with conviction if the crores of rupees it spends each year under various welfare schemes is reaching the really deserving ones, if it’s really creating the desired impacts. A lot of duplication of efforts; wastage of money and other resources; unplanned, misguided, politically-motivated launch of schemes; corruption-encouraging execution processes; etc., have ruled and ruined our social service sector all these years. All these situations need to change. Social workers, activists and NGOs (apart from the Government) have a great role to play in the reconstruction and growth of our country, in alleviating poverty and miseries of the people, in fighting corruption and social injustices. But they can do all these meaningfully and successfully only by getting to clean first their own organizations and their own fields of activity.

It is under such circumstances that Mission AHIMSA becomes of undeniable relevance. Mission AHIMSA is basically a mass awareness generation program because it’s from mass awareness that appropriate socio-political actions originate and get implemented. This is the time for all our intellectuals, writers, artists and socially committed celebrities to come out of the confines of party politics and religious/spiritual inclinations, and do some real, liberal and constructive thinking for the welfare of suffering humanity. It is the enlightenment, enthusiasm and energy of such persons that can lend more force to the Mission. It’s such persons who can prompt and equip the educated and enlightened masses, especially the students and youth, to give our country a sane, strong and sensitive social service sector. Mission AHIMSA intends to use social media platforms, especially FaceBook to set up an organized network of solidarity groups across the country. The Mission intends to make students and youths use at least a bit of their social media time and contacts for meaningful and responsible social action. Mission AHIMSA needs honesty, social commitment and balanced approaches. Mission AHIMSA needs cooperation, not confrontation; reformation, not revolution; unification, not separatism. The Mission aims to work in an environment of harmony between the Central Government, State Governments, NGOs and the people of our country.

It doesn’t matter if one is a VIP or an ordinary citizen, a teacher or a student, an employer or an employee, a writer or an artist, a person belonging to this or that political party… if he or she is somebody who loves honesty and cares to see that our social service sector stays corruption-free, Mission AHIMSA needs such persons. Are you one who would love to be a part of Mission AHIMSA? Think about that and try to find it out by yourself. You are the only one who can answer that question honestly. And if the answer is "Yes", then you are going to enrich, empower and make more meaningful, not only Mission AHIMSA, not only the millions who will be favored by its success, but your own life too.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

3 Year Plan & Core Group Formation - Preliminary Info

·         Each Mission AHIMSA Group (whether of Center, State and District) shall have a Core Group consisting of a minimum of 9 members and a maximum of 18 members

·         Each Mission AHIMSA (MA) Core Group shall consist of a Chief Coordinator, 1to 3FB Administrator-cum-Coordinators and other Coordinators, be it at any level.

·         Only Core Group Members can & and will necessarily have to be Members in Groups at other levels too, relevant to them. For example, a Core Group Member of a particular District will necessarily have to be a member of the respective State Group as well as the Central Group.

·         A person cannot serve as a Core Group Member simultaneously in more than one MA Core Groups

·         All first Core Group Selections, at any level, will always be provisional for 1 year.

·         The time being, District Core Groups will be selected (after inviting applications) by the respective State Core Groups 

·         The time being, State Core Groups will be selected (after inviting applications) by the Core Group at the Center

·         The time being, a self-appointed provisional Core Group at the Center will be formed after inviting applications from those desirous of joining it. Applications for the same will be invited shortly.

Detailed Selection Procedures of Core Groups and Chief Coordinators will be formulated and brought into effect in the month of June 2016 after consultations with all the Core Group Members serving then at any level, anywhere.

Kannan G (for Mission AHIMSA)

About Me

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A man who loves LOVE, LIFE, LIGHT and LIBERTY